Tricks: Tan hole in the middle of the two breasts, massage bath the the scapula central depression T'ientsung, less Ze points below the little finger nail outside or to a specialized hospital for Chinese medicine acupuncture breast.
Anything is possible acupuncture breast |
Effectiveness analysis: according to the principle of traditional Chinese medicine, massage or acupuncture can stimulate the glands and endocrine command pituitary hormones act on the ovary, feedback activation breast cells, promote breast development. Also draining the blood into the chest, transporting nutrients to the breast to achieve the efficacy of breast.
Acupuncture breast the crowd:
Suitable for hormone secretion, congenital dysplasia, genetic factors and other flat chest or breasts flat and small, as well as breast-feeding after breast atrophy, sagging, and drugs lead to breast retraction.
Safe and effective method of acupuncture breast, so much to the majority of white-collar workers of all ages! Breast must maintain a healthy state, and this is the best breast purpose!
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