Acupuncture weight loss is not a once and for all

Although the health and safety of acupuncture to lose weight, many people like, but not suitable for everyone, not necessarily everyone will achieve good weight loss, we must first understand what obesity before acupuncture weight loss, Then in acupuncture weight loss treatment process to develop a reasonable , this will achieve the desired weight loss.
Acupuncture weight loss is not a once and for all
Acupuncture weight loss is not a once and for all
Acupuncture weight loss for the crowd:
Obesity is generally divided into the morbidly obese and obesity physiological two, morbidly obese patients can be treated through acupuncture to improve symptoms and achieve weight loss goals, while for physiological obese, acupuncture diet largely ineffective.
The most suitable age is between 20 to 40 years old. Especially abdominal obesity, adjusted through the meridians, acupuncture acupuncture weight loss abdominal fat accumulation is more prominent; Second For too obese body wet through acupuncture diuretic, sweating, so as to eliminate wet the role to achieve weight loss goals.
Acupuncture weight loss treatment process:
Meridian weight loss requires two above treatment will have satisfactory results. The treatment initially must be in accordance with the requirements every day go to an acupuncture treatment time, adjustable in 5 to 7 days to once every other day. Needle physiological suspended. Basically, a course of two months, two courses of four to five months.
Weight loss see personal physique and stamina, generally a week or so will be able to see the weight loss. It is noteworthy that menstruation is a special physiological period, should not be too much treatment, in order to maintain a smooth body.
Acupuncture to lose weight and also need to adjust your diet to prevent rebound, acupuncture weight loss is not a once-and-for-all, if not develop good eating habits after acupuncture, under the weight reduction is going to bounce back.


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